Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Breaking News! Disease Stopped in its Tracks!


Ok, so today in the computer lab, as I was waiting for Adobe Reader to finish downloading on a CTC laptop (notice how I'm now using the acronyms like a pro?) a guy on a computer close to me sneezed into his hand, then apparently realizing his hand was wet and contaminated (EWWW) he folded that hand into a fist and began typing with his other hand. I sprang into action. Zipping open my purse, I grabbed my bottle of alcohol hand gel and yelling "I'm a nurse" I sped to his side shouting "Open that hand, NOW!" (ok, I made that last part up about the shouting. But I did identify myself as a nurse) and I squeezed a good amount of hand gel into the offending hand. He may have been dismayed that it was scented alcohol hand gel from Bath and Body Works, but hey, I may have saved a bunch of people from becoming ill, so really, he should be grateful. Which he genuinely seemed to be. My quest to de-germify the computer lab continues.

On the techy-side of things, I downloaded software onto laptops and helped solve printing problems - today seemed to be a day when a lot of students had papers and powerpoints  to print, but not a lot of knowledge as to how to print. Most don't know that there is an extra step needed to pay for the printing using what the University calls a "P" card - do not ask me what it stands for -  before the machine starts spitting out papers.

What I do like about the lab is the really diverse student population that comes in or works in here. The accents and different ways of dressing are all exciting in some way... like I'm learning just by being in their presence. Cool.

Another day down in the Lab.

The Lab Rat