Sunday, November 14, 2010

Setting up the SIM lab

So, for the past 3 weeks, Sherleena and I have been busily setting up the computers in the new nursing lab, and also setting up and activating a SMART board - a projector that acts like a computer touch screen for use in the lab, and finally, putting together and operationalizing (love that word - sounds so CIA) 4 adult SIM mannequins, one child and one infant mannequin. When turned on, they have heart beats, blood pressures, bowel sounds and make cool sounds - live vomiting! How fun is that? I think we must guard them carefully around Halloween. IV's can be started in their arms, injections into various sites on their bodies, and orifices can be explored and tubes inserted. We've taken several groups of nursing students on tours and they are excited about their lab and using the mannequins.

The hardest part for me is not calling these mannequins by the "D" word - D....mmy. This is not politically correct, and hurts their feelings. Sorry, guys.

These mannequins can be programmed for nursing scenarios so that the students can actually have as close to real patient assessments as possible before we turn them loose on the public.

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